
Hello - my name is Vivienne Endecott. I moved from south-east London to rural Dorset when I was seven, where I was the first non-white child in my village school. I joined in all sorts of village activities, from Girl Guides to bell-ringing, and also did the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at school. I watched Blue Peter and read everything by Enid Blyton I could lay my hands on! It all helped me to develop a deep sense of belonging Somewhere whilst also being aware of the bigger world beyond. It was the sort of cultural foundation that newcomers to Britain rarely experience and the Citizenship Test barely hints at.

When I read Life in the United Kingdom, the set text for the Citizenship Test, I thought it was awful because it gave no sense of Home is where the Heart is, (although it would make very good revision for a pub quiz!) “I can do better!” I thought and wrote Exploring Englishness as a gift book for those who have become new British Citizens.

Exploring Englishness is the next step, to give our new citizens that little bit of confidence to get out and explore their new country in a way that is fun, affordable and family friendly. I have drawn on my experience as a Guide leader, my degree in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, and my love of seeking out the quirky corners of the kingdom to give my readers a Quest that could last a lifetime and help their families to set deep roots in this amazing country.

'What is innovative about my approach to integration?'

  • There are things to do, places to go and people to meet
  • It’s about connecting to the past and thinking about our future
  • It’s about having fun – there is no test and no time limit

"I like your little book,

which I think strikes a very useful middle ground and

gets ordinary people thinking in terms of Englishness

and how they can appreciate it in everyday life"

- Eric Kaufmann, Professor of Politics,
Birkbeck College, University of London

TV advert from 2021